About Galilee MBC
The First 30 Years:
Galilee Missionary Baptist Church was organized in 1947 by the late Rev. T. C. Swain. The church was later reorganized by Rev. A. J. Anthony in the yard of Bro. and Sis.
Buddy Robinson. Bro. William Howard was ordained as the first Deacon of Galilee and served as Chairman of the Deacon Board until 1980. The church grew spiritually,
numerically, and financially. Worship services were held in a vacant house and a tent until the property was purchased and the church was erected at 2504 Tune
Avenue (in the Roosevelt area). When Rev. Anthony’s health began to fail him, Rev. E. A. Greer was called to assist in the worship services. Upon the death of Rev. Anthony,
the church went through a period of reorganization.
Rev. Governor Thompson served as pastor for a period, followed by Rev. L. T. Thompson, followed by Rev. W. C. Beene who served for fourteen (14) years and led
the Church to move to 2571 Sunbeam. Sis. Edna Howard served as church clerk from 1953 until 1993. Rev. G. Allen later served as pastor and moved Church
to 4535 Vandervoort where our Fellowship Hall and classrooms are presently located. Rev. E. M. Bonner was called to pastor at the departure of Rev. Allen.
The Later Years:
During the year 1977, the band of Faith Warriors called Rev. L. R. Davis as pastor. Rev. Davis has served faithfully until his retirement on November 3, 2018. After
the death of Deacon Howard, Bro. Herman Ward became Chairman of the Board followed by Bro. William Jones. Bro. Jones was succeeded by Bro. Rufus Roland
served as chairman until his illness and served as Chairman Emeritus until his death. Bro Dale Campbell was ordained as a deacon on May 23, 2001. Bro. Don
Griffin succeeded Bro. Roland and served faithfully until his health began to fail. He was succeeded by Bro. Don Finley, who was succeeded by the current Chairman,
Bro. Dale Campbell. In 1994, Sis. Kim Edward succeeded Sis. Edna Howard as church clerk.
Under the leadership of Rev. Davis, the church has grown spiritually, numerically, and financially. In 1983, we moved into our new sanctuary located at 4545 Vandervoort.
In 1997, we celebrated the golden anniversary of the church by burning the mortgage note. A scholarship fund, established and funded by generous donations of members
and friends has enabled us to help numerous Galilee students further their education. Over 90% of Galilee’s High School graduates have obtained college degrees
and many have obtained advanced degrees. On May 31, 2009, the scholarship fund was named “The Leonard R. and Cloteal E. Davis Scholarship Foundation” in honor
of our Pastor and Wife for their dedication to education.
Many ministries were expanded or created. The Youth Department has expanded to include a Mime troupe, and Youth Bible study on Wednesday night. The
Girl Scout troupe is very active in community activities and cookie sales. Under the direction of the Healthy Ministry, health fairs, nutrition classes, blood pressure,
and glucose tests are held regularly. A monthly health focus is provided in the church bulletin. Under the umbrella of the Brotherhood, a Boys to Men Ministry has been
instituted providing mentoring to the young men. A drama ministry and a Nursing Home Ministry have also been added. Over the years the music ministry has grown
from a pianist and organist to a Minister of Music, organist, pianist, directress, drummer, and bass player. It has been expanded by forming Praise Expressions
(girls ages 4-18 and adults). The Leadership Council was reactivated in 2014. Since that time a Leadership Training Conference is held annually for outgoing and incoming officers.
On December 11, 2018, Rev. Damien Williams was called and served until December 2019. Rev. Davis was named Pastor Emeritus in May 2019. Rev. Jerry Maynard was called as pastor, December 18, 2020. We are excited about the direction that God is leading this church.